Funeral Directors - Memorial Services Paleo Faliro Attica
21 αποτελέσματα
- SortingΣτοιχεία καταχωρίσεων
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43 Vasilissis Sofias Street, Center, 151 24 Marousi Attica (Routing)
OPEN NOW (Open 24 Hours) Opening Hours
Leoforos Alexandras 114, Gyzi, 114 72 Athens Attica (Routing)
OPEN NOW (Open 24 Hours) Opening Hours
- 40-day memorial service
- Advertisement sticking
- Announcement of death in a newspaper
- Annual memorial service
Funeral Directors - Memorial Services
Περισσότερα - SPONSOR
5 Petras Street, Ano Nea Smyrni, 171 24 Nea Smyrni Attica (Routing)
OPEN NOW (Open 24 Hours) Opening Hours
KARRAS THEODOROS funeral and memorial services in Nea Smyrni is run by Constantinos and Eleni Karras and has been operating continuously since 1978. We have extensive...
- Burials, Organising Funerals
- Repatriations, Donations, Coffins
- Bureaucracy Services
- Church Decorations, Wreaths
- 40-day memorial service
- Advertisement sticking
- Announcement of death in a newspaper
- Bone washing
Funeral Directors - Memorial Services
Περισσότερα -
- 40-day memorial service
- Advertisement sticking
- Annual memorial service
- Funeral
Funeral Directors - Memorial Services