Notaries Prefecture of Thessaloniki
235 αποτελέσματα
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Panepistimiou 19 & Omirou 8, (Plision metro Panepistimio), 105 64 Athens Attica (Routing)
OPEN NOW (by appointment) Opening Hours
47 Vas. Irakleiou Street, Plision tis odou Aristotelous , Opposite ASSOS ODEON, 8th floor, 546 23 Thessaloniki Thessaloniki (Routing)
OPEN NOW Opening Hours
Notary Public PAPAIOANNOU PARSELIA EVI is based in Thessaloniki and engages in all types and difficult cases. Notary Public Mrs. Papaioannou handles property transfers,...
- Transfer of Properties, Golden Visa
- Proxies, Work Contracts
- Parental Gifts,Inheritances Acceptance
- Registered Partnerships, Wills
- Hereditary affairs
- Real estate cases
- Acceptance of inheritance
- Acts of child recognition
More -
Fragkini 9, Kentro, 546 24 Thessaloniki Thessaloniki (Routing)
OPEN NOW (by appointment) Opening Hours