Pharmacies on duty in Agios Pavlos (Peristeri Attica) - 21 February
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68 Morogianni Street, Agios Pavlos, 121 33 Peristeri Attica (Δρομολόγηση)
On Duty 08:00 - 14:00 and 17:00 - 20:00 extended schedule
11 Chalkidos Street, Agios Pavlos, Opposite Agios Rafail Church, 121 33 Peristeri Attica (Δρομολόγηση)
On Duty 08:00 - 14:00 and 17:00 - 20:30 extended schedule
26 Irakleous Street, Agios Pavlos, 121 33 Peristeri Attica (Δρομολόγηση)
On Duty 08:15 - 14:00 and 17:15 - 20:30 extended schedule
42 Venizelou Eleftheriou Street & Paraskevopoulou Leonida Street, Agios Pavlos, 121 32 Peristeri Attica (Δρομολόγηση)
On Duty 08:00 - 14:30 and 17:00 - 20:30 extended schedule
Pharmacies on Duty in Agios Pavlos (Peristeri Attica): Here, you will find all the Pharmacies on Duty (for today and tomorrow) in Agios Pavlos (Peristeri Attica).