The company GOLDEN GUIDE PRINT & ONLINE INFORMATION S.A. is today the longest-running Greek professional marketing company, which has been privileged to operate on the market since 1971, when the first printed professional list was issued.
Our Company strives to conduct its business activities in accordance with the principles of privacy as we believe that this is how we show our firm commitment to ethical and responsible practices. We recognise that innovation and new technologies lead to ongoing changes regarding risks, expectations and legislation. We are therefore following privacy standards and aiming at timely adjust to implement them in response to these changes.
This Policy sets out our standards for the management and protection of Personal Data by or on behalf of our company, which originate, directly or indirectly, from any country in the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, and are transferred to any other country, including transfer between EEA countries. They apply to our activities in each country, with respect to any activity, which involves information about individuals, which we carry out in each of our affiliates and any field (including any successor to our business) including, but not limited to, research, production, business activities, corporate support, and data transfers necessary to carry out the above activities, including but not limited to:
- Research and Production: initiation, management and funding of research studies / evaluation and involvement of researchers, members of the Science and Ethics Committee and partners to support research studies and development of our products / recruitment for research studies / evaluation of safety, effectiveness and quality of developing and our commercially available products / adherence to our commitment to the safety and quality of our products, including management and reporting of adverse effects and complaints about product quality / submission of application for approval and registration of our products to the health regulations authorities / compliance with relevant legal, regulatory or ethical requirements.
- Commercial activities: evaluation of markets regarding our products / advertising, marketing, sale, distribution and delivery of our products / communication with our clients and other end users of our products / sponsorship and conduct of events / evaluation and encouragement of our partners to support our commercial activities / compliance with the relevant legal, regulatory or ethical requirements.
- Corporate Support: recruiting, hiring, managing, developing, communicating with and compensating employees / providing benefits to employees and their dependent family members / conducting employees’ performance and talent appraisals / providing training and other educational and development programmes / conducting disciplinary proceedings and managing employee complaints / management of ethics and privacy concerns and conducting investigations / managing and safeguarding our physical and virtual assets and infrastructure / procurement and payment for products and services / fulfilling our commitments regarding the environment, health and safety and corporate responsibility / media communication / and compliance with relevant legal, regulatory or ethical requirements.
This Policy also applies to all individuals whose data we process, including but not limited to customers, prospective, current and former employees and their dependents, members of the Ethics Committee, partners, investors and shareholders, government employees and other stakeholders.
All Company Employees and Management executives have significant privacy responsibilities which they have to adhere to.
We acknowledge that unintentional errors and misjudgement in data protection can cause risks to the privacy of individuals and risks to our Company's reputation, processes, compliance and finances. Every Company employee and other individuals processing data about our company are responsible for understanding and observing their obligations under this Policy and the applicable laws.
Our Values and Standards on Privacy
We respect our values regarding privacy in everything we do involving people, including how we apply privacy standards. The four privacy values include:
We recognise that privacy concerns are often related to the essential questions of who we are, how we see the world and how we define ourselves. We thus strive hard to respect the perspective and interests of individuals and societies and to be fair and transparent in how we use and share information about them.
We know that trust is vital to our success, and so we are working hard to create and maintain customer, employee, patient and other stakeholders' trust, in relation to respect and protection of information related to them.
Preventing damage
We understand that misuse of human-related information can create tangible and intangible harm to individuals, so we try to prevent physical, financial damage, damage to their reputation or other privacy-related harm.
We have learned that laws and regulations are not always consistent with the rapid advances in technology, data flow and associated changes in risks and expectations of privacy. We thus strive hard to comply with the spirit and rules of privacy and data protection laws in a way that demonstrates consistency and operational proficiency for our business operations at a global level.
1. We integrate our privacy standards into all activities, processes, technologies and relationships with third parties using Personal Data.We design privacy controls in our processes and technologies that are consistent with our values and privacy standards and the applicable law.The 8 privacy principles outlined below summarise the privacy standards and the basic requirements for high-level processes, activities and their assistive technologies.
Principle of Privacy | Our Basic Commitments |
1. Necessity: Prior to the collection, use or distribution of Personal Data, we define and record the specific, legitimate business purpose for which this is necessary. |
2. Justice: We do not process Personal Data in ways that are unfair to the individuals to which the data relate. |
3. Transparency: We do not process Personal Data in ways or purposes that are not transparent. |
4. Purpose Restriction: We only use Personal Data in accordance with the principles of Necessity and Transparency. |
5. Data Quality: We keep the Personal Data accurate, complete and up to date and in accordance with its intended use. |
6. Security: We incorporate safety valves to protect your Personal Data and Sensitive Data from loss, misuse, and unauthorised access, disclosure, or destruction. | We have implemented an analytical information security program and apply security controls based on the sensitivity of the information and the size of the risk of the activity, taking into account the best practices of modern technology and the cost of implementation. Our operational safety policies include, but are not limited to, business continuity and disaster recovery standards, identity and access management, information classification, information security incident management, network access control, physical security, and risk management. |
7. Data transfer: We are responsible for preserving the privacy of Personal Data when it is transferred from or to other agencies or state borders. |
8. Legally Permissible: We only process Personal Data if it meets the requirements of applicable law. |
2. We will address promptly requests for individual rights to access, rectify, modify or erase any Personal Data or objection to the processing of Personal Data.
- Access, Rectification, and Erasure: Under the Greek law, individuals have the right to access their Personal Data and to rectify, modify or erase any Personal Data that is inaccurate, incomplete or obsolete. We will approve all individuals’ requests for access, rectification and erasure of Personal Data. If a request for access, rectification or erasure is defined by existing law that provides greater protection for individuals, we will ensure that the additional statutory conditions are met.
- Selection: In line with the privacy principles for “Respect” and “Trust”, we approve individual requests for objection to the processing of Personal Data, including, but not limited to, the option not to participate in programmes or activities, in which individuals had previously agreed to participate, the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes for communication that targets them and which is based on Personal Data, and for any evaluation or decision making related to them, which may influence them significantly, which is carried out through the use of algorithms or automation.
- Unless and where prohibited by law, we may deny the selection where a particular application may hamper the company's ability to: (1) comply with the law or a moral obligation, including the need to disclose personal data in response to legitimate requests from the public authorities, on the grounds of security or national security; (2) investigate, defend or pursue legal claims, and (3) conclude contracts, manage relationships, or perform other authorised business activities that comply with the principles of Transparency and Restriction of Purpose and which were introduced based on data of people associated with them. Within fifteen working days of any decision refusing a request for selection in accordance with this Policy, we will record and communicate the decision to the applicant.
3. We will respond in a timely manner and escalate all questions related to privacy, complaints, concerns and any Privacy Event or Security Event.
- Any person, whose Personal Data we process within the scope of this Policy, may ask questions, submit complain or express concerns to our company at any time, including the request to provide a list of all our subsidiaries that are subject to this Policy . We expect that our employees and other individuals working on behalf of our company will provide early notice if they have reason to believe that an applicable law may prevent them from complying with this Policy. Any question, complaint or concern from an Individual or any notice from an employee or other person working on behalf of our company should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer:
- by email:
- by fax: +30 210 920 4298
- by post: Data Protection Officer, GOLDEN GUIDE PRINT & ONLINE INFORMATION S.A., 26 - 28 Georgiou Averof Street, GR-14232 Nea Ionia, Attica
- Employees and short-term workers are required to inform their Data Protection Officer in time for any questions, complaints or concerns about our company's privacy practices.
- The Data Protection Officer will control and investigate or work with the Legal Service to investigate all enquiries, complaints, or concerns related to our company's privacy practices, whether taken directly by our employees or other individuals or third parties, including, but not limited to, regulatory agencies, liability officers or other government authorities. We will respond to the person or entity that submitted the enquiry, complaint, or concern to our company within thirty (30) calendar days or within a maximum of sixty (60) calendar days, except where a law or applicant/third party requires a response within a shorter period of time or unless the conditions, such as a simultaneous state investigation, require a longer period of time. In this case, the person or applicant/third party will be notified in writing as soon as possible of the general nature of the circumstances contributing to the delay.
- The Data Protection Officer, in cooperation with the Law Office and the Compliance Office, will work with the privacy regulator in response to any investigation, inspection or research.
- For complaints that can not be resolved between our company and the person who submitted the complaint, our company has agreed to participate in the following dispute resolution processes, investigation and resolution of complaints to resolve disputes related to this Policy.
- However, if at any time persons residing in the EEA or individuals whose Personal Data are subject to the EEA data protection legislation and is transferred outside the EEC, whose data is subject to processing related to this Policy, are entitled under this Policy to impose the terms of this Policy as eligible third parties, including the right to take legal action to claim compensation for the violation of their rights due to of this Policy and the right to receive compensation for damages caused by such violation. Persons residing in the EEA or individuals whose Personal Data is subject to the EEA data protection legislation and are transferred outside the EEA (for reasons of clarity, including the US) may have claims under this Policy against the Company:
- in the courts or the data protection authority of the EEA country from which their Personal Data has been transferred, or
- in Greek courts or the Hellenic Data Protection Authority.
- Our company will respond to the person or entity that submitted the enquiry, complaint, or concern to our company within thirty (30) calendar days, except where a law or applicant/third party requires a response within a shorter period of time or unless the conditions require a longer period of time, in which case the person or third party will be notified in writing.
Terms that you need to know
- Anonymisation. Changing, cutting, eliminating or otherwise restricting or transforming Personal Data to make it impossible to be used to identify, locate or communicate with the individual.
- Legislation. All laws, rules, regulations and mandates for opinions with the power of law in any country in which our company operates or in which Personal Data is processed by or on behalf of our company.
- Our company.The company GOLDEN GUIDE PRINT & ONLINE INFORMATION S.A., its subsidiaries, except for the joint ventures in which our company participates.
- Privacy. All data for an identified or unidentified individual, including data by which the person is identified or which could be used to identify a person, or locate, track, or communicate with that person. Personal Data includes instant identification information, such as name, identification number or unique job title, and indirect identification information, such as birthdate, unique mobile or portable identification number, telephone number and encoded data.
- Privacy Event.Breach or violation of this Privacy Policy or a privacy or data protection related law, including a Security Event. Determining whether a privacy event has taken place and whether it has a physical occurrence will be done by the Data Protection Officer and the Legal Department/Compliance Department.
- Processing. Performing any process or series of processes on human related data, with or without automated means, including, but not limited to, collection, recording, organisation, storage, access, adaptation, conversion, retrieval, counselling, use, evaluation, analysis , reference, distribution, disclosure, and dissemination, transmission, disposal, alignment, combination, inhibition, deletion, erasure or destruction.
- Security Incident. Access by an unauthorised person to Personal Data or disclosure to an unauthorised person of Personal Data or the reasonable suspicion of our company that this has happened. Access to Personal Data by or on behalf of our company without the intention of violating this Policy is not a Security Event, provided that such Personal Data was then used and disclosed only as permitted by this Policy.
- Sensitive data. Any type of data relating to people with intrinsic risk of potential harm to individuals, including data that is statutory defined as sensitive, including, but not limited to, health, inheritance, race, ethnic origin, religion, policies or philosophical beliefs or beliefs, criminal records, precise geographic location information, bank or other financial account numbers, state registration numbers, minor persons, sexual life, relations with trade unions, security, social security and other employer or state benefits.
- Third Party. Any legal entity, organisation or person not belonging to our company, or for which our company has no controlling interest or does not work for our company. Unless expressly specified by this Policy, no subsidiary or sector of our company is required to meet the requirements of a third party under this Policy as all subsidiaries and sectors are required to process human related data in accordance with this Policy, including cases where one of our subsidiaries supports one or more of our subsidiaries during processing.
Changes to this Policy
This Policy may be reviewed occasionally in accordance with the requirements of existing legislation. Whenever this Policy changes in a physical way, a notice will be posted on our company's website ( for 60 days.
Effective date
20 May 2018