- Accounting & Tax services
- Payroll Management, Foreign clients
- Monitoring tax authorities audit
- Cοrporate tax planning
LINK CONSULTING- KONSTANTINOS EKATOS (accounting & tax services) in Thessaloniki supports business development since 1990, providing high quality level services with responsibility and consistency.
Our vision is to develop a business hub to provide integrated financial consulting services for the innovative businessman, fulfilling not only current needs but also special demands.
Our goal is to ensure constantly valid and quality financial knowledge for the innovative businessman, underlining the important role that the science of accounting possesses.
We aimed to build an innovative firm, that fulfils through a wide range of financial, tax, accounting and consulting services our clients’ needs. We operate always with responsibility, confidence, consistency and efficacy.
- Accounting organization
- Accounts receivable control
- Advisor to foreign companies
- Business acquisition valuation
- Business plans
- Business sale valuation
- Business support programs
- Closing of sole proprietorship and company
- Company balance sheets
- Company mergers
- Conversions of companies
- Conversions of companies L.P.
- Double-taxation agreement
- DYPA programs
- Establishment of a company
- Establishment of companies
- Establishment of foreign companies
- Establishment of general partnership companies
- Establishment of IKΕ Companies
- Keeping books
- Keeping Class B and C account books
- Keeping of building business books
- Management of intra-Community trade
- Mergers of SA companies
- Mydata and expense characterization
- Payroll
- Personal Accounting Services
- Provision of internal audit services
- Registration with the Employers Registry
- Revenue origin
- Services for residents abroad
- Start business of an enterprise
- Statement of Taxation of Legal Entities
- Statement of taxation of natural persons
- Statements of legal entities
- Submission of tax returns Ε1, Ε2, Ε3, Ε9
- Subsidies for new businesses
- Support for foreign companies
- Support for tax audits
- Sustainability studies
- Tax inspections management
- Tax Services
- VAT - VIES statement
- Οne-person business accounting
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- E-mail: link2@link.com.gr
- Entry Classification: Accountants, Accountants Thessaloniki (Center - Municipality), Accountants Nea Elvetia (Thessaloniki)