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Λογότυπο LOGISTIC - I


Accounting & Tax Services (Class A accountant), Pylaia

10 Years on
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Pylaia Thessaloniki, Sykies Thessaloniki, Panorama Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki (Center - Municipality), Kalamaria Thessaloniki, Evosmos Thessaloniki, Thermi Thessaloniki, Stavroupoli Thessaloniki


  • Accounting services for LTD companies
  • Aggregate supplier statements
  • Business computing
  • Cash planning
  • Change of employers in social insurance institute
  • Changes of Companies Ltd.
  • Changes of companies SA
  • Closing of sole proprietorship and company
  • Company balance sheets
  • Company Changes
  • Costing
  • Dealing with labor controls
  • Debt settlement requests
  • Debt settlements
  • Drafting tax returns E1, E2, E9
  • ESPA programs
  • Establishment of Companies Ltd.
  • Establishment of companies SA
  • Establishment of foreign companies
  • Establishment of general partnership companies
  • Establishment of IKΕ Companies
  • Financial audits
  • Franchisees
  • Insurance services
  • Keeping Class B and C account books
  • Labour issues
  • Modification of statements Ε1, Ε2, Ε3, Ε9
  • Payments to insurance funds
  • Start business of an enterprise
  • Statement of Taxation of Legal Entities
  • Statement of taxation of natural persons
  • Submission of application A21 grant
  • Submission of financial statements
  • Submission of tax returns Ε1, Ε2, Ε3, Ε9
  • Subsidies
  • Subsidies of Young Workers (DYPA)
  • Tax clearance issue
  • Tax inspections management
  • Tax statements
  • VAT
  • Voucher programs

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    1. With Credit card: Diners , Golden Visa , Mastercard , Visa

    2. Bank account deposit, Cash, Debit cards, Monthly charge, Pay on delivery

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Address: Laertou & Agias Anastasias Patriarchiko, Philippos Business Center, 555 35 Pylaia Thessaloniki Greece