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  • Coffee houses


  • (28)

I read a review about this place at Kathimerini and decided to visit in my next stay in Athens. The place is awesomely decorated and has an infinite variety of teas from all around the world. As a tea-lover...

The place is calm and relaxing. The staff is very friendly. It has a big variety of tea to taste and/or to buy. It has a good value for many ratio.

difficult to find a nice place quiet and simple atmosphere friendly and with various tee to offer nice to seet for meetings

Nice atmosphere and wide variety of tea. Non smoking inside in the pros. If you want to combine the tea with something to eat is too overpriced, so get certain of the prices before ordering.

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Address: Lykavittou Street & 19 Soutsou Alexandrou Street Kolonaki, 106 71 Athens Attica Greece