- 847 00 Pyrgos Kalisti, Santorini Cyclades Greece
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Driver up to watch the sunset. The last turn was tight but can be done but we left car and walked up. To the left there is a pathway you can walk down. The views were stunning. We went to watch the sunrise
on 2024-09-29
Nice view, you can see the whole island. That’s about it really, nothing really to see at the top apart from the view. Top tip, hire a Quad so you can get up and down quickly.
on 2024-08-19
Highest point in Santorini. Views were breath taking. The actual monastery itself is still being used today. It is a long ride up so get a car or taxi. Worth the visit if you have the time. We took lots...
on 2024-05-27
We actually went up as the fog started to roll in, and as we got to the top , it was swirling around us. It was pretty cool, although we couldn't see much for a view.
on 2023-11-03
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- ACTIVITY TYPE: Public sector
- Entry Classification: Churches - Monasteries - Metropolises, Churches - Monasteries - Metropolises Pyrgos Kalisti Santorini