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Accounting & Tax Services, Agios Nikolaos

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Specialization in NSRF development programs and pension consultancy

At a glance
  • Accounting services
  • NSRF development programs
  • Pension consultancy
  • Business operational planning

The accounting firm FOROEPILISIS - Vassilakis I Emmanuel is based in Agios Nikolaos, Crete. It is staffed by economists, accountants and engineers with many years of experience in the sector, each of them being specialized in a specific field and constantly updated in seminars about the latest legislative developments.

FOROEPILISIS - Vassilakis I. Emmanuel has a second accounting office in Heraklion, Crete.

In order to provide to our clients a wide range of services, we are cooperating with sworn auditors, lawyers, notaries and agronomists.

We are responsible for the organization and supervision of accounting departments, always being there for our clients, with flexible working hours. We provide integrated solutions and tax consultancy services in single-entry and double-entry book keeping, as well as business payroll.

We undertake the commencement, change or cessation of business activities, tax planning, the updating of companies regarding the developments in company legislation, their monthly update on their financial results, their update on their monthly liabilities, etc.

We also undertake to submit tax returns of natural persons and legal entities, issues of consumption of capital in natural persons, the electronic submission of the Declaration of Assets, the submission of reports in the Electronic Waste Register, applications and updating about all benefits (heating oil, solidarity allowance, housing allowance, etc.), and we also provide pension consultancy.

The special department of economic and technical study & subsidized programs of our firm undertakes the consultancy of enterprises, the preparation of Business Plans, feasibility studies, as well as applications in NSRF subsidized programs, Development Law, Agricultural Development programs (Leader, Farmers, etc.) and OAED (the Hellenic Manpower Employment Organization).

Finally, we undertake applications for the extrajudicial company debt restructuring and consultancy on the restructuring of all kinds of debts.


  • Statements of legal entities
  • Tax inspections management
  • Undertaking a winding-up project
    1. With Credit card: Visa

    2. Bank account deposit, Cash



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Address: 36 Papandreou Andrea Street, Opposite OAED, 721 00 Agios Nikolaos Lassithi Greece