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Day Hours of operation Monday 07:00 - 24:00 Tuesday 07:00 - 24:00 Wednesday 07:00 - 24:00 Thursday 07:00 - 24:00 Friday 07:00 - 24:00 Saturday 07:00 - 24:00 Sunday 07:00 - 24:00
- 13 Konstantinoupoleos Street, Agia Triada, 546 39 Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece
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- Washing, Drying Clothes, Blankets
- Washing, Drying Duvets
- Washing and Drying Curtains
- Detergent Vending Machine
WASH LAUNDRY STATION are washing machines for public (self- service washing machines - laundries) and they are located in Thessaloniki.
Self-service washing machines are shops equipped with washing machines and dryers, which anybody can use for a specific price. It is a habit which in abroad is particularly widespread, because there are many who haven’t got a washing machine in their home and as a result they are served by laundries. Taken from other decades, with retro mood but modern design, the wash laundries look like a Hollywood movie. There are housed in comfortable air-conditioned areas. They provide vending machine with coffee, refreshments etc. as well as money exchange, for your best service.
How does such a business work?
It is so simple! The customer brings all his/her clothes. After that there are two choices. One choice is to use his/her own detergent or emollient and the other choice is to take from our place what it is needed. The use of washing machines is easier and faster than the household one. The customer chooses the program of washing (whites, colored, sensitive etc.) depending on the type of clothing. The washing machine automatically and according to schedule also determines the washing temperature. The washing machines are operated with water heated by a boiler, so they are faster from the household ones. The time of washing is about 30-45 minutes. Also, in the place there are clothes dryers.
Who are the people that use self-service washing machines?
Today, if you are in our place, you can see students, housewives, travelers, workers who are working midnight hours and people who use the services of wash laundry because it's not worthwhile to have their own washing machine in their house. Dirty linen from restaurants are also given to the laundry.
- Dry hotel bed drying
- Drying clothes
- Drying of blankets
- Drying of curtains
- Drying of quilts
- Laundry
- Linen washing
- Washing curtains
- Washing of hotel bed linen
- Washing of quilts
- Washing of rugs
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- Operation months: January - December
- E-mail: kosmpap1@yahoo.gr
- SERVICEABILITY: Free wifi, Self service
- Entry Classification: Self Service Laundries, Self Service Laundries Thessaloniki (Center - Municipality), Self Service Laundries Agia Triada (Thessaloniki)