We come to your site and give you our estimate for every earthmoving operation
- Construction of public works
- Contracts of all kinds, Excavations
- Transport of aggregates
- Landscaping
The company LIOFAGOS GIANNIS (plant & machinery work contractors) is active since 2010 in the sector of earthworks, and is based in Naxos.
We carry out all types of work, having the most modern machines and a specialized staff.
We provide for you fast, cost-effective solutions to whatever you need, and we are committed to the best results.
We have a strong presence in the construction of private and public projects, as we work with private engineering contractors.
We undertake all kinds of contracts, we carry out all kinds of specialized road transport, we design and build all kinds of external spaces, we have the appropriate motorized equipment for all kinds of high-demand excavations.
Look for Liofagos Earthworks for any work and we are committed to the best results.
- Cleaning of plots
- Collection and transport of rubble
- Construction dumpster
- Debris removal
- Deforestation of plots
- Demolition of buildings
- Demolition of staggering
- Demolitions
- Embankments
- Excavation of foundations
- Excavation of underground networks
- Excavations for drains
- Flow cleaning
- Garden formation
- Leveling surfaces for parking
- Road opening
- Road opening earthworks
- Rock digging
- Rock digging for network drainage
- Soil transport
- Swimming pool excavation
- Transfer of garden soil
- Transfer of manure
- Unblocking
- Underground excavation
Bank account deposit, Cash, Checks
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- ACTIVITY TYPE: Freelancer
- Operation months: Open all year round
- E-mail:
- Entry Classification: Groundworks, Groundworks Naxos (Town)