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Λογότυπο MR. HOME
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At a glance
  • Homes, Commercial Premises Renovations
  • Shops, Hotels, Offices
  • Save at home programme
  • Studies, Construction, Supervision

MR HOME is based in Thessaloniki and undertakes renovation projects providing all types of construction, repairs and studies (Building Refurbishing - Restoration).

The company’s experienced, highly trained and specialised engineers and the state of the art machinery available to the company, are available to work with professionals or private individuals for any building work on their commercial premises or their home.

The company is highly organised, it analyses what is needed for each project and it studies every unusual aspect of each job separately, whatever it might be.

It works on the total or partial renovation of houses and apartments, business premises, hotels, holiday homes and other projects, and always provides a timescale and a financial study

The company takes care to ensure it is up to date with seminars on new techniques and construction materials. Combined with its reliability and the enthusiastic service it provides, this acts as a compass which ensures the company provides high quality projects.


Thessaloniki (Center - Municipality), Macedonia


  • Interior & exterior painting services
  • Interior renovation
  • Kitchen renovation
  • Renovation of business premises
  • Store renovation

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Address: 77 Konstantinoupoleos Street, 546 44 Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece