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At a glance
  • Acupuncture Training, Cupping
  • Shiatsu, Reflexology Seminars
  • Athletic, Relaxing
  • Chinese Medicine

Loukas Dionysios, founder of the 5 Elements school, which is located in Mastaba, Heraklion and provides professional seminars, is a pioneer in the field of alternative therapies in Crete.

The 5 Elements multi-purpose center operates firstly with seminars and trainings on alternative and traditional healing techniques such as Reflexology, Shiatsu, Sports Massage, Acupuncture, Greek and Chinese Herbs, etc.

The teachers of the school, who are fully accredited by the respective professional unions and associations of the Greek region, offer sessions on an individual level and by appointment within the school.

5 Elements is the only school in Crete that has managed to fully harmonize with the following agencies:

  • P.E.S.R. (Panhellenic Professional Association of Reflexologists)
  • E.E.SI. (Hellenic Shiatsu Society)
  • EL.SY.VE.K.I. (Hellenic Association of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine)

The 5 Elements diploma is the school's first and main qualification, that demonstrates the full training in one of the healing arts. Training typically lasts two to three years and includes a series and sequence of courses.

5 Elements training and curriculum are rigorously defined by professional associations, ensuring the high quality of the programs.The greatest certification for the faculty is the long-term collaboration with accomplished therapists and the return of students who continue to invest in their knowledge and education.

5 Elements recognizes the importance of traditional medicine, as defined by the World Health Organization, which includes ancient healing systems and practices from indigenous cultures. These practices are used to maintain health, prevent, diagnose, and treat disease of the body and mind. According to the European bodies, they can support autonomous medical treatment, without diagnosis or medical responsibility, and therefore can be applied by non-physicians.

The 5 Elements school is a pillar of education and practical application in the field of alternative therapies in Crete, offering its students the opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge and skills that they can apply to improve people's health and well-being.

Enter our site to see the program in detail and all the dates of the seminar you want to attend.

Please contact our secretariat for your participation and reservation of a place in our new classes!


  • Distance learning
  • Educational seminars
  • Group seminars
  • Webinars
  • Well equipped rooms

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Address: 17 Petraki Louka Street, 713 06 Heraklion Heraklion Greece