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Λογότυπο REALFIT
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At a glance
  • Modern Free Exercise Room
  • Real Ryder, Functional Training, TRX
  • Cross Training, Personal Training,Yoga
  • Pilates,Real Crossfit,Solarium,Massage

The RealFit Gym, in Pylaia, Thessaloniki, is the most modern and innovative creation in the physical training sector in the last years! Either you are training for any sport, or you just want a better life quality, the RealFit Gym, in a space of 2,500 square meters, offers you a variety of innovative group training sessions, as well as an unmatched, in equipment, free exercise room.

The ultramodern design, constant observation of high hygiene, excellent services and your cooperation with our experienced staff will make you feel the difference and distinguish it, selecting some of the following programs, always under the guidance of specialized trainers.

Our programs are the following:

Interior Real Ryder cycling for beginners, hardcore cyclists, professional cycling athletes and, in general, all the ones who search for a unique and effective cycling experience.

Functional training with high intensity training sessions, having as aim the perfect result at the shortest possible time period.

TRX Zone strap training. The weight and position of the body, in relation to the strap and the ground, build the intensity of the training, giving unlimited tools to the trainer and immediate results to the trainee.

Cross Training sections for a type of training that combines it all: muscular strengthening and cardiorespiratory stimulation, exercises with the body weight, as well as with weights (depending on the level of the trainee).

Personal Training for people of every age, who wish to get the maximum benefits, in the shortest time period.

Furthermore, there are yoga classes for mental and physical completeness and pilates classes for a quality and complete way of training.

Ask us about the innovative and original Real Crossfit programs.


  • Crossfit


  • Το μεγαλύτερο και πιο εξοπλισμένο γυμναστήριο.
  • Εξαιρετικά προγράμματα για όλες τις κατηγορίες αθλούμενων

  • μεγάλος και άνετος χώρος, καινούργια μηχανήματα, πολύ καλό!

  • Σύγχρονο γυμναστήριο κ μεγάλο!!
  • Ωραίος χώρος κ design, σύγχρονα μηχανήματα , ευγενικό προσωπικό γυμναστών, καθαρά αποδυτήρια ...το προτείνω !!

From User: {{review.Username}} on {{formatDate(review.Date)}}
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Λογότυπο REALFIT Response by user REALFIT on {{formatDate(review.ResponseDate)}}
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Address: 21 Tompazi Street, Emporiko Kentro MAKEDONIA, Opisthen SKLAVENITI, 555 36 Pylaia Thessaloniki Greece