Clinics Samarakia Pylaia Thessaloniki
2 αποτελέσματα
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Palio Kavalas, 655 00 Paleo Tsifliki Kavala (Δρομολόγηση)
ΑΝΟΙΧΤΟ ΤΩΡΑ (Open 24 Hours) Ωράριο
The I GALINI - PSYCHIATRIKI KLINIKI (PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC) operates in the Paleo Tsifliki area of Kavala. Its main aim is to treat mental illnesses in Eastern Macedonia...
- Psychiatry, Geriatrics, Neurology
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Neurodegenerative Problems, Strokes
- People with Special Needs
- Hospital care
- Medical care and treatment
- Nursing care
- Rehabilitation and recovery
Private Hospitals and Clinics
Περισσότερα -
Clinic Agios Loukas - St Luke’s Hospital is a private health care institution (Clinic), situated in the beautiful area of Panorama in Thessaloniki, Greece. Since...
- Outpatient Services 24h a day
- Obstetrics, Gynecology Department
- Pediatric, Pediatric Surgery Dpt
- Radiotherapy, Radiosurgery
- Diagnosis
- Hospital care
- Medical care and treatment
- Nursing care
Private Hospitals and Clinics
Περισσότερα - SERVING
519 Irakleiou Avenue, Agios Georgios, 141 22 Heraklion Attica (Routing)
OPEN NOW (Open 24 Hours) Opening Hours
The Neuropsychiatric Clinic Panagia I Grigorousa Clinic , in Heraklion, was the vision of the unforgettable Paraskevas Karagouliamos and opened in 1958. The basic...
- Psychiatric,Neurological Clinic
- Mental Illness, Attempted Suicides
- Depression, Schizophrenia, Dementia
- Alzheimer, Stress, Toxic substances
- Medical care and treatment
- Rehabilitation and recovery
- Addictions and dependencies
- Bipolar disorder
Private Hospitals and Clinics
6th km Dramas - Kavalas, Choristi, 661 33 Drama Drama (Routing)
OPEN NOW (Open 24 Hours) Opening Hours