IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation Evosmos Thessaloniki
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The fertility and IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) centre EMBRYOLAB FERTILITY CLINIC is located in Kalamaria, Thessaloniki. It is staffed by distinguished gynaecologists...
- Fertility Investigation
- Personalized Treatments
- Micro-Fertilization, Insemination
- Ovarian and Embryo Cryopreservation
- Asthenospermia
- Azoospermia
- Endometriosis
- Fallopian tube obstruction
IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation
Agiou Vasileiou 4, Harilaou, 542 50 Thessaloniki Thessaloniki (Routing)
OPEN NOW Opening Hours
Since 1989, IAKENTRO Center, in Thessaloniki, is the most innovative and integrated unit of assisted reproduction and in vitro fertilization (IVF), with guaranteed...
- Infertility
- IVF, ICSI, IMSI Microfertilization
- IVF without Medication, IVM
- Vitrification, Sperm Donation
- Asthenospermia
- Azoospermia
- Biochemical pregnancy
- Cervical lesions
IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation
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Being specialized in the fertilization (assisted reproduction and in IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation), the gynecologist - obstetrician Zervakakou Glykeria provides...
- Investigation,Treatment of Infertility
- IVF in Natural & Cycle with Medication
- High Success Rates
- Freezing of Ova, Embryos
- Female infertility
- Infertility
- Diagnosis of infertility
- Egg fertilization
IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation
4 Nikolaou Kriezotou Street, Syntagma, 106 71 Athens Attica (Routing)
OPEN NOW Opening Hours
4 Michalakopoulou Andrea Street, Ilisia, 115 28 Athens Attica (Routing)
OPEN NOW (Open 24 Hours) Opening Hours
6 Adrianoupoleos Street, Kalamaria, 551 33 Kalamaria Thessaloniki (Routing)
OPEN NOW Opening Hours