Medical Diagnostic Centres Evagelika Katerini
2 αποτελέσματα
- Τοποθεσία
- SortingΣτοιχεία καταχωρίσεων
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Dipla apo KTEL Peloponnisou kai tis Nerotsoulithres Splash water Park, 201 50 Isthmia Corinthia
OPEN NOW Opening Hours
93 Tsimiski Ioanni Street, Lefkos Pyrgos - Ipodromos, 546 22 Thessaloniki Thessaloniki (Routing)
The pathology laboratory medical diagnostic centre ISTODIEREVNITIKI AE which is based at the center of Thessaloniki, is the successor of the private laboratory of...
- Pathology Laboratory
- Histological Examination, Biomarkers
- Diagnosis of Cancer
- Biopsy
- Molecular tests
- Test Pap
Medical Diagnostic Centres
Περισσότερα - SERVING
14 Papandreou Georgiou Street, Posidonio, 546 45 Thessaloniki Thessaloniki (Routing)
OPEN NOW Opening Hours