Microbiology Laboratories Hatzikyriakio Piraeus
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49 28 Oktovriou Street (Patision Street), Enanti Polytechneiou, 104 33 Athens Attica (Routing)
OPEN NOW Opening Hours
65 Iroon Polytechneiou Avenue, 185 36 Piraeus Attica (Routing)
OPEN NOW (Open 24 Hours) Opening Hours
26 Porfyra Lamprou Street & 4 Ralli Ioanni Street, Plision Scholis Naftikon Dokimon, 185 39 Piraeus Attica (Routing)
- Biochemical tests
- Blood check up
- Coccus test
- Complete spermogram
OFFER: Γενική Αίματος, Ούρων, Σάκχαρο, Ουρία, Κρεατινίνη, Χοληστερίνη...
Microbiology Laboratories
9 25 Martiou Street, Plateia Neas Smyrnis, 171 21 Nea Smyrni Attica (Routing)
OPEN NOW Opening Hours