University Students Tutoring Center Patra
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Kapsali 1 (Othonos Amalias & Aratou), Center, Eisodos apo tin plevra ton KTEL, 262 21 Patra Achaea (Routing)
CEARS - CENTER OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH AND STUDIES is a University Students Tutoring Center founded in 2012 in the city of Patra. It supports academic programs of world-renowned...
- Remote Learning, Online Degrees
- Postgraduate, Doctorates Degrees
- Remote Seminars, Trainings
- Degrees Recognized by DOATAP
- Distance learning
- Student support
University Students Tutoring
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KAPA KORYFI - STUDY SUPPORT is a student - university tutorial centre in the centre of Patra. The student tutorial centre offers: Teaching support: Our experienced...
- University, ATEI & EAP courses covered
- Preparation, Qualifying exams
- Live distance learning
- Proofreading of essays and advice
- University lessons
- ΕΑP student papers
University Students Tutoring
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- AEI-ATEI student papers
- Diplomatic tasks
- Distance learning
- Elaboration of EAP and APKY work
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University Students Tutoring